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Empowering Care for Prosthetic Patients and Emotional Support
Kenney Orthopedics • Feb 16, 2022

Whether you’re an experienced prosthetic patient or a new amputee just beginning your journey, there are many important aspects of rehabilitation to enhance your recovery. A holistic approach that includes physical rehab, along with mental and emotional support, will empower new amputees and prosthetic patients to achieve goals in all areas of their life. Read on to learn more about the dynamic care options available to prosthetic patients at Kenney Orthopedics.

Empowering Care for Prosthetic Patients near Lexington, Kentucky, Louisville, Kentucky, Indianapolis, Indiana, and Charlotte, North Carolina

Pre- and Post-Surgery Care: Prior to an amputation, immediately following surgery or when getting a new prosthetic device, expert professional care is crucial for a happy, healthy, happy recovery. A team of practitioners is needed for a well-rounded treatment plan that helps prosthetic patients recover physically, mentally, and emotionally. At Kenney Orthopedics, prosthetic care includes collaboration with physicians, therapists, mentors, and other members of the healthcare team to address the prosthetic patient’s physical, emotional, and psychological needs. Our continuum of care involves:

1.     Initial Consultation

2.     Peer Mentoring

3.     Introduction to Amputee Support Network

4.     Shrinker Fitting

5.     3D Scan or Plaster Impression

6.     Diagnostic Fitting

7.     Final Fabrication

8.     Delivery of Prothesis

9.     Prosthetic Rehabilitation

10.   Amputee Walking School

11.   Continued Follow-up

Learn more about Prosthetic Care and Services on the Kenney Orthopedics website.

Amputee Walking School: The Amputee Walking School at Kenney Orthopedics empowers prosthetic patients and new amputees by introducing treatment approaches for improving overall function. By gaining a deeper understanding of specific devices, attendees will build their confidence in a hands-on environment learning how to properly control their prostheses for increased mobility, confidence, and independence. The Amputee Walking School is run by gold metal Paralympians Dennis Oehler and Todd Schaffhauser. “This has been an amazing journey,” Says Oehler, “for the last 26 years; having the ability to change someone's life every single day that we do our programs, it is pretty amazing.” Learn more about the Amputee Walking School including upcoming dates on the Kenney Orthopedics website.

Peer Mentor Program: Kenney Orthopedics offers emotional support for prosthetic patients through the Peer Mentor Program. This unique program, offered at no charge, connects prosthetic patients with amputees who have had similar experiences to help them navigate the road to recovery with the support and encouragement of their peers. New prosthetic patients can share their experiences, challenges and fears with their mentor and draw strength, wisdom, and comradery from their peer relationship.

Emily Dawson, Peer Mentor and Patient Liaison, describes her motivation to join the Peer Mentor Program: “Because of the encouragement and support I received right after my amputation, I am now prepared and grateful to serve as a peer mentor. I hope to inspire patients like myself to feel empowered and confident, as well as help them learn that uncertainty and setbacks don’t have to affect your overall outcome!”

Learn more about the Peer Mentor Program including mentor profiles on the Kenney Orthopedics website.

If you need prosthetic care or want to explore your options, reach out to the Kenney Orthopedics team. We will answer your questions and guide you through the process every step of the way. We are happy to discuss pre- or post-surgery care, our renowned Amputee Walking School, and/or connect you with a Peer Mentor. Kenney Orthopedics has multiple locations including near Lexington, KY; Louisville, KY; Indianapolis, IN; and Charlotte, NC.
Contact Kenney Orthopedics today. 

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