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Getting a New Prosthetic Device
Kenney Orthopedics • April 11, 2022

The care team at Kenney Orthopedics knows that for new patients, the process of getting a new prosthetic device can come with a countless number of questions, and that’s normal. Getting a new prosthetic device is an intricate and highly personal process in which you’ll need to both ask and answer questions to get the best possible outcome. Here are answers to 5 of the most common questions about prosthetics when beginning the process. If you have any additional questions, we encourage you to reach out to your dedicated team of providers at Kenney Orthopedics.

Kenney Orthopedics Prosthetics and Orthotics, New Prosthetic Device, Questions About Prosthetics near Lexington, Kentucky (KY)

Common Questions About Prosthetics?

When do I get my new prosthetic device? Timing is dependent on several factors. Most importantly, patients need their residual limbs to be fully healed before getting a new prosthetic device. However, rehabilitation to prepare for a new prosthetic device can and should start immediately after surgery.

How do I find a prosthetist? As a key member of your healthcare team, choosing the right prosthetist is an important step in your recovery.  His or her credentials should include a master’s degree, residency, ABC certification and any state licensing applicable in your area.  Communication is key to success, so your prosthetist should be someone with whom you feel comfortable sharing your challenges, needs and goals.  Interviewing various prosthetists is a good way to find someone right for you. You can meet with a Prosthetist at Kenney Orthopedics for a consultation visit at no charge.

How will the fitting process work for my new prosthetic device? New prosthetic devices are customized to each patient, however, the fitting process for a new prosthetic device will always include 3 elements: a detailed measuring and fitting process to create an exact match between your prosthetic and your residual limb, a detailed discussion with your prosthetist about your lifestyle and goals, and ongoing adjustments to keep your new prosthetic device tuned to your body, which is ever changing.

In addition to these 3 elements, we recognize the importance of rehabilitation, activity, and connection. We therefore provide several additional elements in our care model, customized to each individual patient. These include:

  1. Initial Consultation
  2. Introduction to Amputee Support Network/Peer Mentor
  3. Shrinker Fitting
  4. 3D Scan or Plaster Impression of Your Limb
  5. Diagnostic Fitting
  6. Final Fabrication
  7. Delivery of Prothesis
  8. Prosthetic Rehabilitation
  9. Amputee Walking School
  10. Continued Follow-up.

Do I need to do anything to get ready for my new prosthetic device? There are mental and physical preparations you can make to get ready for a new prosthetic device. Get connected with a physical therapist to begin rehabilitation of your residual limb for prosthetic use; identify your care team including professional healthcare providers and people in your personal support network; and prepare yourself mentally for the ups and downs that can be expected when going through the process of getting a new prosthetic device.  The best way to do this is to connect with another amputee who has had a similar experience. At Kenney Orthopedics, we can assist you with finding a physical therapist, medical provider and/or peer mentor so that you armed with everything you need for a successful outcome!

How can I connect with other amputees? Connecting with the amputee community can be both empowering and comforting. Kenney Orthopedics offers programs for peer support including Peer Mentor Programs and Amputee Walking Schools that bring you together with others who are also on the prosthetic journey.  For more information, visit our website at

For patients in the Lexington, KY; Louisville, KY; Indianapolis, IN; or Charlotte, NC area Kenney Orthopedics is here to answer all of your questions about getting a new prosthetic device. Contact our team to discuss your needs and the professional prosthetic and orthotic services offered by Kenney Orthopedics today.

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