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Winter Safety Tips for Lower Limb Amputees
Kenney Orthopedics • October 19, 2022

With winter on its way, now is the time for lower limb amputees to make sure they’re ready for the upcoming hazards of winter weather. Not only can freezing weather cause stiffness or physical pain, but the cold conditions can also make traveling outside hazardous. However, taking proper precautions will allow you to enjoy the season fully! Here are five tips from our experts for lower limb amputees to stay safe in winter weather.

A lower limb amputee in a red ski coat skiing in a snowy landscape.

5 Wintertime Safety Tips for Lower Limb Amputees

1. Use Winter-Worthy Footwear

One of the biggest hazards for lower limb amputees in the winter is unsafe walking conditions. Snow and ice as well as the products used to get rid of snow and ice (i.e., sand and salt) all pose a slipping risk for everyone, including prosthetic users. It is important to invest in winter-worthy footwear with rubber soles (ideally) and high translational traction. For especially hazardous conditions, consider cleats for prosthetics and spiked bottoms for cane or crutch tips.

Another important consideration is winter footwear: boots often have thick soles or heels, especially when compared to the flatter styles of sandals or sneakers worn in the summer. The addition of this height may require some getting used to. If your alignment while wearing winter shoes feels off or if it causes pain or issues with balance when walking, contact your prosthetist for an adjustment right away.

2. Enter Any Winter Environment with Caution

Often the best defense against winter weather for lower limb amputees is a good offense. By staying aware of weather conditions, you can protect yourself while still enjoying the many wonderful aspects of the season. Always stay informed about weather conditions in your area so you can prepare properly, or if need be, adjust your plans to avoid dangerous wintertime conditions.

3. Utilize Support Systems

When it’s slippery outside, take advantage of supportive devices to keep you steady on your feet no matter what kind of winter weather blows in. For some, this support may mean the use of a seasonal cane or other assistive device for balance and stabilization. This also means utilizing handrails when available or the helping hand of family or friends.

Of course, in order to take advantage of any additional supportive elements, your hands have to be free in the first place. A winter bag or tote that you can carry hands-free (preferably on your back) will allow you to use external support safely.

4. Stay Warm

Cold temperatures can also cause shrinkage of residual limbs in the winter just as heat can cause swelling in the summer. Since either temperature extreme can affect the overall fit of a prosthetic, maintaining a consistent temperature can help with fit. If rubbing or chafing occurs due to a poorly fitting prosthesis, contact your prosthetist for a wintertime adjustment.

Extremities are frequently the first body part affected by extreme weather conditions because they are more exposed. For lower limb amputees, cold weather can physically affect the residual limb causing stiffness or pain, so staying warm is an important preventative measure to ensure the comfortable enjoyment of seasonal weather changes.

5. Know How to Get Up

Prepare yourself for unexpected conditions (important at any time of year) by learning the best and safest ways to regain your balance or recover should an unexpected fall occur. A member of your care team (physician, prosthetist, or physical therapist) can offer guidance to maximize your safety this winter!

Contact Us

We are here to help you stay safe and enjoy all of your favorite activities this winter! If you have any questions about preparing for winter activities with your specific prosthetic device, contact the team at Kenney Orthopedics. Kenney Orthopedics serves communities in Kentucky, Indiana, and North Carolina with locations near Lexington, KY; Louisville, KY; Indianapolis, IN; and Charlotte, NC. Request a consultation today to learn more about wintertime safety for lower limb amputees.

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