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Prosthetic User Resources for 2023
Kenney Orthopedics • Dec 19, 2022

If you’re a prosthetic user, finding resources to support your process is essential to achieve your personal goals. From encouraging support to important technical knowledge, patient resources provide prosthetic and orthotic users with an abundance of tools for any stage of their journey. Within the prosthetic community, there are many different types of patient resources you have access to right now through Kenney Orthopedics, including our walking schools, peer mentorship programs, digital event calendars, and blogs. 

Prosthetic User Resources, Walking School, Kenney Orthopedics Amputee Walking School near Lexington, Kentucky (KY)

Amputee Walking School

This in-person prosthetic user resource isn’t just for prosthetic users. The curriculum is a collaborative effort between therapists and amputees to develop the skills and experience necessary to effectively use a prosthetic device in the real world. Amputees of all ages are encouraged to attend, and the skills developed are pertinent to both new and experienced prosthetic users. Even amputees who do not yet utilize a prosthetic device are encouraged to attend walking schools as an introduction to both prosthetic use and the prosthetic community. Kenney Orthopedics runs an amputee walking school led by Paralympians Dennis Oehler and Todd Schaffhauser.

Peer Mentor Program

Some of the most enriching prosthetic user resources available come in the form of peer mentor programs. The prosthetic process can feel overwhelming and isolating at times, but the camaraderie, strength, and shared experiences found in peer mentor programs help prosthetic users achieve their goals with the support of the prosthetic community. Kenney Orthopedics offers a peer mentorship program connecting new prosthetic users with peers who’ve been through similar challenges. 

Event Calendar

Stay up to date on events happening in your area using online event calendars. Digital calendars can help you stay connected to the community and topics pertinent to you as an amputee/ prosthetic user. Kenney Orthopedics keeps an online calendar for their Amputee Walking Schools and other related events held at their various locations across Kentucky, Indiana, and North Carolina.


A great digital resource for the modern prosthetic user, professional and personal blogs compile a range of knowledge into a single, easy to access forum. From safety tips and professional advice to leisure activities for amputees and the latest in technological advancements, blogs are one of those resources that is ideal for the modern prosthetic user because of the ability to provide up-to-date information with global accessibility. Kenney Orthopedics maintains an online blog covering prosthetic and orthotic care with blogs curated for the specialized needs of the amputee community.

Contact Us

Access all the prosthetic user resources from Kenney Orthopedics through our website. While there, you can also connect with the team of health care experts at Kenney Orthopedics by requesting a consultation online. Discuss any questions you may have about your specific prosthetic or orthotic needs and find the resources to empower you on your journey.


Kenney Orthopedics serves Lexington, KY; Louisville, KY; Indianapolis, IN; and Charlotte, NC, with multiple locations in Kentucky, Indiana, and North Carolina.

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